
Jumat, 08 Februari 2013


The temple is situated in the village Mleri Bagelenan, District Srengat, astronomically Blitar which is between 08 ⁰ 03 374 'S and 112 ⁰ 05 099' E. The temple is believed by the local community as the oldest existing temple in Blitar. According to information from Suswandi - claiming to be the great-grandson of Kyai Tafsir Anom - the word temple comes from Sanskrit which means grave. Because it is in the complex that looks like an ancient tomb, so it is better known as kekunaan Mleri.

In kekunaan Mleri is believed to be the tomb of the king Singasari III, who holds Sri Vishnu Wardhana. His real name is Ranggawuni, who was the son or grandson Anusapati Ametung stumps with Ken Dedes. The tomb is believed to have existed since the year 1222 AD It is based on the Pallava inscriptions lettered tomb in the complex with symbol kalamakara (giant form). According to the Negarakertagama Wisnuwardhana didharmakan the form of Shiva statue in Waleri (Mleri) and in the form of statues Sugata (Buddha) in Jajaghu (Candi Jago)

Furthermore, Suswandi said that the inscription in the complex is kekunaan Mleri been studied by researchers from Japan. Researchers are cleaning the inscription is then photographed for analysis in Japan, but until now was not known to the rest

In contrast to the atmosphere of the temple in Indonesia, complex kekunaan Mleri still seem "alive" with the presence of a regular pilgrim to "ngalap blessing". So when entering the complex Mleri kekunaan this, you will certainly smell the scent of fragrant flowers sprinkled pilgrims (setaman flower), and the ashes of incense smoke, despite grave sense here refers to pendarmaan where the ashes of the king. So impressed spooky and haunted (sacred)

Petilasan Angling Dharma Wonodadi

Petilasan Angling Dharma Wonodadi

Petilasan Angling Dharma in rice fields near Market Pictures, Village Wonodadi, Blitar. Previously petilasan is a brick structure berpenyusun, but because of the lack of knowledge of local history, petilasan was not developed and tend to neglect. Now Petilasan Angling Dharma left to live shards of bricks and a mortar.

Petilasan familiar called "putuk" is believed to be a relic of the King Angling Dharma. It has been handed down from generation to generation among the villagers of Wonodadi. Truth existence Malwapati kingdom led by King Angling Dharma else is still questionable, whether real or just a legend. But clearly the legend of the Angling Dharma exists and perpetuated the temple reliefs Mirigambar Tulungagung.

Candi Ringinanyar


The temple is situated in the village Ringinanyar Ringinanyar, District Ponggok, Blitar. Temple Ringinanyar very alarming condition. Ancient buildings made ​​of bricks had collapsed littered and overgrown with large trees. Maybe if the temple was cleaned and treated, their appearance will be similar to the temple in Tulungagung Ampel.


Candi Ringinanyar terletak di Desa Ringinanyar, Kecamatan Ponggok, Kabupaten Blitar. Kondisi Candi Ringinanyar sangat memprihatinkan. Bangunan kuno yang tersusun dari batu bata tersebut telah runtuh berserakan dan ditumbuhi pepohonan besar. Mungkin jika candi ini dibersihkan dan dirawat, kenampakannya akan mirip dengan Candi Ampel di Tulungagung.

gunung pegat srengat blitar

Mungkin beberapa orang sudah mengetahui mitos Gunung Pegat - srengat. Menurut warga sekitar gunung tersebut zaman dulunya sangat angker dan rawan akan ' Bajing Lompat '.
Mitos yang paling melegendaris hingga sampai saat ini ialah orang yang akan berangkat untuk menikah dilarang melewati gunung tersebut . Menurut warga jika itu dilanggar akan membuat hubungan keluarga yang baru saja dibangun akan cepat roboh atau tidak langgeng.

Tapi disisi lain gunung pegat memiliki ke indahan tersendiri . Banyaknya pohon pohon besar yang cukup rindang serta pemandangan bendungan atau waduk Gajah Mungkur yang anda dapat lihat dr gunung pegat membuat sedikit lebih tenang dan menutup kemungkinan anda akan terhindar dr rasa takut jika melewati gunung tersebut.



Maybe some people have to know mythical Mount pegat - Srengat. According to the residents around the volcano was once a very austere times and prone to 'Squirrel Jump'.
The myth of the most melegendaris up to date is the one who will set out to marry the forbidden mountain pass. According to residents if it will make the relationship violated the newly constructed family will quickly collapsed or is not sustainable.

But on the other hand has the beauty of the mountain pegat own. The number of large trees were quite shady and views of the dam or reservoir Mungkur elephant you can see the mountain dr pegat make it a little more quiet and you will avoid the possibility dr fear when passing through the mountain.

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